Fr. Matt Wheeler, Parish Administrator
Mrs. Kristen Herber, Scheduling & Coordinating
Ms. Maryann Nguyen, Senior Server Liaison
Since its founding in 1943, altar serving has been an important part of parish life at Visitation. This is because the liturgy and celebration of the Eucharist are at the center of parish life and ministry. From Christmas and Easter to graduations and funerals; altar servers offer and essential service to our community.
Servants of the Altar (SOTA) is a team of altar servers at Visitation Parish. SOTA is meant to help our elementary and high school youth grow in friendship with Jesus Christ and each other. With prayerful, professional, and positive attitudes (3 Ps), SOTA teammates help our entire Visitation community pray and encounter the Risen Lord in the Eucharist.
The 3 Ps
The “3 Ps” of SOTA are prayerfulness, professionalism, and positivity. These virtues are the building blocks of a healthy and holy altar server culture and servers will be challenged to live them at all times. In this way, they will mature in ways that will benefit them for years to come.
Prayerfulness - In true prayer, one lifts his or her mind and heart to God (CCC #2559). Serving at Mass is to be done in a prayerful way - with one’s heart and mind focused on the Lord. To be prayerful, it’s important to fight against distractions that pull our attention away from our sacred duties.
Professionalism - Servers are to offer the Lord a “job well done.” Punctuality, teamwork, grooming/hygiene, responsibility, good communication and many other qualities play an important role in helping our servers acquire skills pleasing to the Lord (and future employers!).
Positivity - Everybody makes mistakes. Therefore, it’s important is to foster a culture of positivity that encourages learning and growing through one’s mistakes. Servers are not to criticize, cast blame, or gossip about each other. We are a team and we lift each other up instead of tearing each other down.
Culture of Discernment
An important part of SOTA is its focus on discernment and discovering God’s plan for one’s life. God’s plans are the best plans and make us most happy. Therefore, servers are encouraged to grow in their lives of discipleship and to be open to God’s call; whatever that might be.
Senior Servers
Our high school servers are called “Senior Servers” and take on added leadership roles. Senior servers are empowered to help train younger servers and correct mistakes with love and care. They will also learn about sacristan duties and what’s involved in setting up for Mass and cleaning up afterward.
Servers must:
Have received their First Holy Communion
Be in the 3rd Grade or higher
Attend trainings
Desire to serve the Lord
Trainings take place once/month and servers are expected attend. Senior Servers train on Saturdays from 11am-12pm. Elementary servers train on Fridays from 11:30pm-12:15pm. Trainings will cover basic serving duties and for various liturgies (Sunday/daily Mass, Funerals, Adoration, etc.). For the current schedule please contact Mrs. Kristen Herber here.
To Sign-up/Receive Information
Contact Mrs. Kristen Herber here.