Please click on the below topics for helpful resources
Memorare Prayer Card - Download our prayer card that we will pray together during the time of COVID
Pray as You Go - This is a 10-12 minute meditation of the daily readings from mass. It is excellent. (click here)
Sacred Space - Another guided meditation, with music and prayer. (click here)
Simple Prayer - Some prayers that might guide us into solitude. (click here)
Spiritual Communion - Many of you asked for the prayer that I pray after Communion with those who cannot receive. It is the "Anima Christi" - The Soul of Christ. (click here)
Prayer for Big Love - Prayers for the family. (click here)
Prayer for Peace - Prayers to help with anxiety during the pandemic. (click here)
Prayer for a Caring Heart - (click here)
Holy Week Mass Archive - Watch all the Masses from Holy Week 2020
Rosary - Pray the Rosary with us
Below are several articles to help us with our grief during the time of COVID.
A Lenten Journey Through Grief (Read Article)
Grief During the Holiday Season (Read Article)
How to Grieve When Funerals Are Not an Option (Read Article)
10 Ways You Can Support Someone Grieving During The Coronavirus Crisis (Read Article)
What Not to Say to Someone Grieving During Coronavirus Crisis (Read Article)
Coping With Loss and Grief During the Coronavirus Crisis (Read Article)
COVID and grieving small losses (read article)
Carenotes On Grieving (Download List)
Materials from our comprehensive workshop on caring for aging parents. Click here.
Aging and Senior Care Resources
In-home care in California. Caring.com
Thank you for contributing mercy bags to St. Margaret's Center. Below is a list of suggested hygiene item donations.
All items are packaged and distributed free of cost to homeless persons who receive food and other services at St. Margaret’s Center. Small trial sizes are the best, but any donations are welcome!
Body Lotion
Socks (unisex tube style)
A personal note and/or prayer is always nice to include!
Thank you for your support!
Since missalettes are not coming back in the near future, there are alternatives that work just as well. There are easy to use apps that will give you all the readings for the Mass designed for your phone.
We recommend "Laudate" which is free. To install, go to your app store on your mobile device, and enter the name "Laudate" and then follow the instructions for download.

Tuesday Evening Bible Study (Bible Buddies with Barbara Berg)
Please join us — all are welcome!
There is no homework for this group, no required reading ahead of time, and no long-term commitment required (does it get any better than that?!). Feel free to come whenever you can.
We pray and study Scripture together in order to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus.
We open our hearts to one another and to God’s Word so as to be transformed by His love and conformed to His Image.
In studying God’s Word and learning together, we strive to become doers of His Word and not hearers only (James 1:22).
We meet Tuesdays, 7-8:30 PM, on Zoom.
At this time we are studying the letters to the Hebrews.
For more information and for the Zoom link, email Barbara Berg.